Saturday, September 13, 2008

Not Ready on Day 1

I don't find any of the candidates scary. What I find scary is the large number of people who, if we are to believe the polls and the MSM talking points, care more about a candidate being like them than about whether or not a candidate has an effective, modern grasp of the issues. In these unbelievably challenging times, how could anyone care about anything other than who will be the best executive?

During the primary, there was a legitimate argument to be made concerning Senator Obama's inexperience. But the way he's handled himself over the past 19 months has shown, at least for me, that he has the judgment and temperment to be a thoughtful president, and that he has the ability to put together an effective team. After the colossal disappointments of the Bush administration, the potential of Senator Obama's executive leadership is refreshing.

Some would also argue that Senator Obama is largely a personality candidate. I would not disagree; but he's shown himself to be a personality candidate who is also highly intelligent and has devoted much of his life to thinking about the serious issues that this country, and the world, face.

Watching the news these past two weeks I am sure of two things: John McCain is fighting old battles, and Sarah Palin is absolutely not ready to be commander-in-chief if she is called upon. On July 31st of this year, she did not fully understand the vice president's job. Now she's cramming? No, thank you. The judgment of the next president is crucial. Senator McCain's judgment has been called into serious question by his pick of Ms. Palin.

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